Saturday, September 02, 2006


I just had to spread some hate over this, you know how I do. Their machinations took them to some executive lodge over at Lukenya Hills. At this place with a Kao name I can’t pronounce, they plotted how they must take power and serve their interests come 2007. Pray honourable gentlemen and ladies (what exactly is honourable or gentle about you is open to question) what tells you we need another party? Two of the world’s most developed economies, the US an Britain have only 2-3 parties each. Half of you are the same guys we elected into office last year only to abandon us and join the Opposition (which we didn’t elect). The other half belongs to the party that ruled this country for a cool 42years.

There is nothing new that you are going to give Kenyans now that you could not over the last so many years and just is just the way it is. In your action plan, you mention nothing about the economy even when the government claims it grew by an unrealistic 5.8% last year. Politics, and of selfish interests at that, will not provide food to Kenyans. Their livelihood is directly dependent on the economy that you say nothing about. And did I mention that campaign websites as well? Former US president had it on point: “it’s the economy, stupid!” Your own leader Mutula Kilonzo on KISS 100’s Crossfire that you have too much talent(read ego) than you can manage. Incidentally, Uhuru is a former ‘next president’ of Kenya and so is Raila. If I were you, I would take to worrying about global warming like Al Gore does these days. Don’t you losers get it? [Right-minded] Kenyans will never elect you. Sadly, Kenyans have a ‘chequered’ history of electing losers.
Comments below or at
The Kenyan Hater


Anonymous said...

At least somebody that says what I think. Keep it up man(or is it lady?)

Anonymous said...

hey boy lets get down to what we do you of course know who is in your league..???
by i demand to differ..and offer a more venomous ...bittersweet hatred!