Friday, September 01, 2006

The Kenyan Hater Intro

If this were a book, it would be a bestseller. Kenyans being who they are however share, steal or photo copy books so they dont know what a bestseller is. They are books that are so good they sell millions of copies and earn their writers gazillions of shillings so they can retire peacefully. The Da Vinci Code is a recent example that has been read by some 40million readers(bet you didnt know that).Losers like us blog. Its such a pity for with the ind of creaivity in my head, I should probably be on some hip radio/TV show or working for some reputable ad agency. Instead they hire some dumb peope(like that str8up guy) who should be banished to singing lullabies at old people's homes forever. But hey, c'est la vie!
All in all, am here to spread some hate on everything and everybody. More precisely, am here to tell it as it is(those despicable Sprite people stole my idea, shindwe!). No sugar coating, no euphemisms, just some hard-hitting facts you don’t want to hear. Attention? Yes, am doing this for the attention, stupid. Why else would I spend my precious time and money on something am not going to be paid to do? And that is the problem with you Kenyans: you don’t think!
Comments below or at
The Kenyan Hater

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