Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I am neither a friend of the government nor the Opposition (read the ODM-K and insignificant others). They both irritate me a great deal (many other people do, like Kalembe Ndile) But during the registration of the ODM and the successive circus, my disdain for them was divided.

It is a loosely kept secret that the ODM is just a bunch of spoilt noisemakers. No other party has more of these than them. They have all been in government before, some ven more than once. So they figured what we needed was yet another party. So they proceeded to attempt to register one, and sadly, succeeded. Acting on false confidence after wining the referendum, they sought to burden Kenyans with yet another part with a great manifesto on paper and not much action to support it. Kenyans voted against the proposed constitution because it was a bad document and not because they felt anything for the ODM.

You would think the government (NARC-K my foot!) would have them figured out by now. I expected them to hold their feet down and deny them a registration certificate for good. But for some reason decided within some quarters of government, they gave registered the party. An illegal party because there already exists a party with a near similar name(which is allegedly linked to some of the new party’s top brass). The government shied away from confrontation and abandoned their duty. Some government!
And the party- which was probably registered on Sunday evening and the certificate sent by registered mail the next morning- had a few of their surprises. The officials collected their certificate, photocopied and framed it, sneaked into the AG’s office blocks and then reappeared as if it had just been registered that very minute. To ‘prove’ to their supporters that their demands had been met. They seemed to say ‘see, the government is afraid of us.’ And nobody was missing the party, so much so that professor Anyan’g Nyong’o had to literally jump over a fence to join in. And a new party entered the fray.

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