Thursday, September 21, 2006


I am dismayed everyday by the things that happen in Kenya. John Githongo is a very tired man. Just this week when he thought the Arturs had had enough attention, he delivered another piece. KACC director Ringera had asked him to ‘go slow’ on the corruption in Kenya. See, the former PS has made it his career to discuss grand corruption in Kenya at conferences around Western capitals. And he titles it well too: “…a whistleblower’s account.” In addition to being an academic staff at some English university, it pays for his stay in his self-imposed exile. Not that it’s not necessary, he was warned by the same Ringera not to return any time soon as it would be unsafe for them. By the way, Ringera is the anti-corruption body director. Somebody please define the meaning corruption for me for it seems it just got changed while I wasn’t looking. And that wasn’t all either, he added that the ‘victims had suffered enough’ and that Githongo should not underestimate "pain that you have caused certain people."

In case he(Githongo) had forgotten, loose lips sink ships and he had sunk some Titanics which was risky. In his bit by bit style, Githongo has also revealed that Ringera left all the questioning to his assistants while he was so bored he nearly picked his nose. As a great legal mind, it is unacceptable that he should leave the questioning to non-lawyers however good they are. One of them has since been sacked for stepping on some big toes. It is surprising therefore for Ringera to come back here and proclaim for us how helpful Githongo had been. In his latest, he says he provided extensive and intensive answers for them. Audio recordings of which are unavailable though, as the system has failed to record. What? Such an important event and they use faulty equipment? Assuming I buy that story, which I don’t.

It is quite obvious Ringera has no moral ground(or any other for that matter) to continue occupying his post). He has to justify his fat pay-larger than the president’s- to his masters. He even still thinks he has a conscience as he said in his statement: "on the strength of his conscience and his fidelity to the law and the Constitution of Kenya." The great lawyer’s mind that refused to work when it should have.

I am offering a prize for him if he steps down, he can take over as the Kenyan Hater and hate on all those who wanted him out. Jokes aside, we need an anti-corruption director for real because one should have resigned by now.


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