Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Kalembe Ndile

The Kibwezi MP is a very irritable person. And it has nothing to do with his lack of formal education- he has achieved a lot actually. For according to Henry Fielding (1707-1754) English novelist, dramatist, "Public schools are the nurseries of all vice and immorality." Kalembe just got the same elsewhere, or maybe during his short stint in public school. One closer home must be the one by Bertrand Russell "Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education." I beg to differ, by lack of it.
Moving on, what occured to the MP attending a Kamba cultural fete in Mwingi was outright despicable. As a Kamba, Kalembe had every right to attend the damn festival. It is something called an inalienable right. Mwingi North MP Kalonzo Musyoka(in whose constituency the event took place) and his Machakos Town neighbour David Mwanzia have denied responsibility for the attack. In fact, Kalonzo wants me to believe that he helped Kalembe escape when he realised the mob would not listen to his please for them to leave him alone. He was quoted in the media as saying: "There was little I could have done to assist my friend (Mr) Ndile. The crowd ignored all my pleas as their MP to calm down. I had no alternative but to request police officers to escort the assistant minister from the venue."
Good one brother Musyoka and I believe you totally. The same way I would believe 5-year-old my son if he only knows how to write his name and there was his name on the wall in his unmistakable handwriting. The youths who had wanted to beat up Mr Ndile were annoyed at him for showing disrespect to their honourable MP, one Kalonzo. Indeed some ODM-K leaders gloated on TV with straight faces that it served him right. After such displays, it is very hard for Kalonzo to convince me otherwise.
In the meantime, they hit the 'talk' industry. ODM leader Mutula alleged on a talk show that Kalembe had been sent by NARC-K to disrupt the rally-unsubstantiated. Koigi wa Wamwere swears Kalembe had info that he was to be beaten up at the rally and sought police protection(which they declined and he still went)-unsubstantiated.
That is Kenyan politics for you, on a good day.
Comments below or at kenyanh8r@yahoo.com
The Kenyan Hater

1 comment:

SupremeGREAM said...

Wasup hater nice blog you got here. I dont know what people see in Kalonzo as a president. Remember when Raila said the opinion polls are about whoz handsome? He was very right. Try to convince a woman (read blonde) that Kalonzo cant be president she will lynch yah arse. We dont need his immature arse leading this country. Why do I say so? Remember when he told the president that if he was man enough he go ahead and fire him? That was very disrepectful to say the least. They tested Kibakis patience to a level it shouldnt have reached. He then leads other leaders to a Ndile harass moment. I will never have respect for him. He would never get my vote or that of my girlfriend.