Monday, September 04, 2006

Kenya Eritrea

Most people like to make good first impressions. Not Frenchman Bernard Lama. He led the Kenyan team to loss during his FIRST

game as coach. Not a mean feat if you ask me. Maybe we didnt need another foreign coach after all. I am one of those who held for him even when guys thought he couldnt be of much benefit to us. Now I know better.

Somebody please tell monsieur Lama(in French preferably) that the only reason the KFF hired him is because we wanted wins. NOT LOSSES. If we had wanted to lose more games, we would have continued as we were. When a player is trying to pass the ball to his girlfriend on the stands, he clearly has no place on the pitch(unless your coach is French and a former goalkeeper) Eritrea is ranked a cool 60 places behind Kenya by FIFA and we lost to them on our soil. I would want a reason from Mr Lama to remove that picture up there that prcoclams that Kenya WE SUCK only after the good Frenchman gives me sufficient evidence-through goals, goddamnit! In the meantime, I will continue to proclaim it that somebody needs to fire a fotball coach somewhere very soon.

If I were in the KFF, there would be a jobless coach by now. Quite simply.

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The Kenyan Hater

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