Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Kalembe does it again

I have always maintained that Kalembe Ndile irritates me a lot. Whenever he opens his mouth to speak, be sure he will say something stupid. Really stupid. I always thought it had nothing to do with his ignorance, sorry lack of education. Now I am doubtful. Ok, Kalembe I hope you are proud of yourself, you earned yourself 'favourable' mention again in the Kenyan Hater.

Anyway, I was watching TV this tme and Kalembe comes on. I prepared myself for something outrageous but nothing could have prepared me for what he said. In case you missed it, he actually said with a straight face that....(drums)...ODM-K is funded by the Al Qaeda movement of Osama. Talk about taking ignorance to a new level, Kalembe just takes the cap.

I do not need to do a dissertation on this one for you to understand the absurdity of it all. Much as the utterly despicable and annoying ODM-K crowd may be getting their funding from outside forces, the idea of being in links with a terrorist organization is just beyond me.

I think it is also the same day that the PCEA moderator alleged that 67% of MPs(or something like that) visit witchdoctors. If I even comment on this one. I reduce myself to such low levels.

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