Saturday, October 28, 2006

MP loses seat(like I care)!

Magarini MP Harrison Kombe has lost his seat. I feel nothing for him really but am having issues with the whole affair. And it has everyhting to do with how my money is going to be used in it. We have just barely 11 months to the damn general elction. It takes quite a bit of unnecessarylogistics to pull off.

For starters, the speaker as to be served with the necessary documents for hm to declare the seat vacant. Then there is the mudslinging period otherwise known as the campaigns where the candidates throw mud on each other. When they finally get elected, the winner will have less than 6 months in office! Honestly why do we need this?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

68 More MPs? Gimme a break

Some steering committee or the other has recommended that the number of MPs should be raised by 68! Am at my wit's end here to even try to understand why we need this. In my view, one MP per province are eight too many. Honestly.

One teacher or nurse is far more important than all of Nairobi's eight MPs, and am trying to be polite here. I really am. Indeed, one school is far more important than parliament. And will we be able to afford these ne'er do gooders? NO.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Kalembe does it again

I have always maintained that Kalembe Ndile irritates me a lot. Whenever he opens his mouth to speak, be sure he will say something stupid. Really stupid. I always thought it had nothing to do with his ignorance, sorry lack of education. Now I am doubtful. Ok, Kalembe I hope you are proud of yourself, you earned yourself 'favourable' mention again in the Kenyan Hater.

Anyway, I was watching TV this tme and Kalembe comes on. I prepared myself for something outrageous but nothing could have prepared me for what he said. In case you missed it, he actually said with a straight face that....(drums)...ODM-K is funded by the Al Qaeda movement of Osama. Talk about taking ignorance to a new level, Kalembe just takes the cap.

I do not need to do a dissertation on this one for you to understand the absurdity of it all. Much as the utterly despicable and annoying ODM-K crowd may be getting their funding from outside forces, the idea of being in links with a terrorist organization is just beyond me.

I think it is also the same day that the PCEA moderator alleged that 67% of MPs(or something like that) visit witchdoctors. If I even comment on this one. I reduce myself to such low levels.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Who needs MPs?

I am one of those who is convinced we do not need MPs. At all. The average MP(all of them are) puts in between 13-15 hours of work daily. Now take my primary school teacher. When I was in class 7 and 8, we went to school a cool 7 days a week. He puts in about 56 hrs a week and gets paid an avergae 11,000 shs a month. The nurse probably works longest and gets paid just a little more than the teacher.

Enter the MP. First they think they are doing the world a favour by just being in it.And so lazy they haven’t even bothered to have their website updated. They work 13-15 hours a week and most of the time they are not even in the house anyway. The only reason we have MPs is because somebody has to earn that money. Period.

In my view, one teacher is more important than all the 222 Mps put together. Of course there are a few honourable man and women in the house but the rest are just plain useless. They only know how to pick on each other for personal gains in front of the TV cameras. I wonder what their children think of them.