Wednesday, December 06, 2006


While I was away, It became fashionable in Kenyan political parties to oust leaders of the parties and replace them with others. Very primitive behaviour by our politicians but then again, what do you expect from them? The Biwott camp hastily replaced Uhuru as the chairman of KANU and for some reason, the Registrar of Societies registered the impostors with curious speed.
Then came Soita Shitanda and he too convened his meeting and had him placed as the new FORD K chairman. Musikari Kombo promptly sought an injunction from the courts which he got, barring the ‘new’ officials from assuming office. They are set to fight it out in our especially effective courts.
Ngilu is up next according to the list and she had better watch out ama she is going the same way. Just what is wrong with Kenyan political parties that internal democracy seems such a foreign word to them? And I watched with amusement as one Shitanda proclaimed on tv that he had replaced Kombo and went on to explain why. Only in Kenyan politics I tell you. In the meantime we are hearing that the constitution is this or the other. More than the 100 days the government promised us a constitution in when they took over, they are trying to make up their mind whether its minimum or comprehensive reforms they want? Gimme a break.